LEWA Wildlife Conservancy Hosts Friendraiser in Palm Beach
On March 29, the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy hosted a mixer event in Palm Beach highlighting a new partnership initiative that will herald the mountain bongo antelope’s return to a new wildlife sanctuary on Mt. Kenya.
The global board of directors of Lewa Wildlife Conservancy met with invited guests and officials from Kenya in celebration of the Bongo Repatriation Project and the creation of the new Meru Bongo Rhino Sanctuary and Trust. Delegates from Meru County, Lewa, Kenya, Florida International University, and the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation joined together to introduce the bongo antelope repatriation project to supporters.
Bongo are large antelope native to Mount Kenya. Lewa has coordinated multiple organizations and land conservancies to restore the bongo and rhino populations to their original home, now protected, on Mount Kenya. A herd of bongo has been raised in Loxahatchee, Florida and will be repatriated to the Mount Kenya forests.
Established in 1995, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Lewa) is an award-winning catalyst and model for community-centric conservation in northern Kenya. Lewa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Man & Biosphere Reserve, and features on the IUCN Green List of Excellence in protected area management. Combining wildlife conservation, sustainable development and responsible tourism. For more information and contributions, go to Lewa.org.
Photos by Michael Price