New York artist Hakob Hakobyan was on hand for the auction of his original oil painting, created for MoviesMakingADifference a 501c3. Hakob painted the art to help them raise awareness and aid victims of human trafficking and child slavery in the U.S and Canada. Attendees also met two of the heroic survivors, cast out to the streets at age 11 and 12 under the orders of self-proclaimed FLDS prophet Warren Jeffs . During the Contessa event, there was the opportunity to meet and chat with MoviesMakingADifference Executive Film Producers Conrad N. Hilton III and Julia Rosengren, Producer/Founder Diana Davis and Co-Founder Chip Williams. Chip is a Certified Addiction Professional who runs their Safe-House in Lake Worth and transitions the survivors into local treatment centers such as Faith Farm, Fern House and PAX Campus, who was also there to support this event and announce the “MMAD Masters” golf tournament that PAX is hosting for the charity at PGA National Honda Classic course on April 13.
Photos by Christopher Faye