Aktion Art “Sans Titre”
The Palm Beach art scene was out in full force the evening of February 22nd as Aktion Art hosted a grand opening reception for their latest show, “Sans Titre,” in collaboration with Wynn Fine Art and Charles Riva Collection.
Palm Beach collectors and social staples packed the Worth Avenue gallery and surrounding block for the chance to peruse blue chip works by George Condo, Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha, Robert Motherwell, Sherrie Levine, and Richard Prince.
Following the art-filled affair, Steve and Andrea Wynn, Jane Holzer, Belinda Stronack, Lisa Cohen, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Charles Riva and more dined with Aktion Art’s Nick Hissom and Kameron Ramirez at the ever lively Bilboquet. To keep the fun going, the group made their way to Palm Beach favorite, the members club Carriage House for late night fun.